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Jim & Val's

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More about Jim & Val's house
This beautiful three bedroom, two bathroom dormer bungalow is so spacious it feels more like a house. It features a large kitchen/dining area, a private garden and a sunspace which fills the building with light.
Standard features of the houses on The Wintles include provision for a wood-burning stove, and a choice of kitchens, bathrooms, floors and tiling.

  • Super-insulated engineered timber frame structure together with passive solar gain and internal thermal mass heat store.
  • High-performance triple-glazing, high levels of airtightness openings and heat exchange units enable the house to capture and recycle the heat created within the building envelope and cut down on both fuel bills and carbon output.
  • Active solar panels for hot water heating are standard fittings.
  • Photovoltaic solar panels for electricity production are optional.
  • Highly efficient condensing boilers provide under-floor heating to ground floor and bathrooms.
  • Houses are plumbed ready for water re-cycling.
  • Natural, local and reclaimed materials reduce embodied energy use.
  • Non-toxic clay-based paints.
  • Central vacuuming unit benefits allergy sufferers.
      More information:
  • Take a look inside
  • Download The Wintles brochure