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The stark truth is that here in the West we are consuming resources at a faster rate than the planet can replenish them. Burning all this energy also pumps carbon into the atmosphere, polluting the environment and contributing to global warming. In the UK, most energy is used by individuals rather than businesses. A change in our lifestyles is clearly essential, but that doesn’t mean we have to suffer nobly for the health of the planet. On the contrary… Living Villages is all about creating an attractive lifestyle that is also environmentally friendly. After years of research, we feel we’ve found the key to a better way of living. We call it ‘a sense of place’ Our houses are designed to be eco-friendly, which means they’re also kind to your health ­ and to your pocket. They are a unique blend of practicality and beauty Personal lifestyle choices are responsible for most CO2 emissions. As individuals, we consume more energy than schools, hospitals, public transport and airports

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