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The Timber Industry Magazine

Aug 2005

Despite the site’s remote location, 10,000 people visited in the first year, drawn by the development’s eco-friendly credentials. Each of the houses is designed and oriented for solar gain, features a heat recovery system and is plumbed for grey water. Those who buy a house in The Wintles are attracted by its long, green tick list but not necessarily by the fact it is timber-framed.

‘They’re not necessarily interested in the construction but buy the houses because of what they are - and the houses are what they are because of the way they’re constructed,’ said Mr Tomlinson.

However, they do like the fact that timber is a natural material and Living Villages advertises this in its sales brochure. ‘In an eco-friendly scheme you have to avoid concrete because of the energy and CO2 production involved in its manufacture, so you’re much better off using timber,’ said Mr Tomlinson. ‘It’s a grown, natural material and it absorbs CO2 ­ that was a fundamental reason for using timber.’

Mr Tomlinson also offers a consultancy and design service for other developers and has even had some interest from a district council in New Zealand.

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